Cippenham Nursery School

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St Andrews Way, Cippenham, Slough, SL1 5NL

01628 661506

Cippenham Nursery School

“Happy to be Here, To Play, Learn, Care, Share and Be Ourselves.”

  1. Vacancies
  2. Volunteering


At Cippenham Nursery School we always welcome an extra pair of hands. Parents, grandparents, or members of the community are welcomed to join our friendly team to support the staff with a range of activities in and out of the classroom. 

As an eco-school, we are keen to recruit those with an interest in gardening to help with our new planting area. Sharing books in the library corner is also a very worthwhile activity.

We provide placements for many students on training courses or work experience and have dedicated members of staff to support them.

Through our eco activities, we have worked with the local church to collect clothing, with the proceeds going to the local food bank.


Interested in becoming a volunteer?

For more information and to register your interest, please contact Mrs Badhan at