Cippenham Nursery School

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St Andrews Way, Cippenham, Slough, SL1 5NL

01628 661506

Cippenham Nursery School

“Happy to be Here, To Play, Learn, Care, Share and Be Ourselves.”

  1. Home
  2. Welcome Message

Welcome to Cippenham Nursery School!

 At Cippenham Nursery School, we are committed to creating a secure and welcoming environment by supporting the wellbeing and learning and development of all those involved in the life of our school. Our Mission statement therefore, aims for everyone who enters our Nursery to feel valued as an individual and be:

“Happy to be Here, To Play, Learn, Care Share and Be Ourselves.”

Through active engagement with parents and families, and working in partnership with the community, we aim to develop all children to their full potential – socially, emotionally, physically and academically. We are committed to providing a high-quality, holistic learning experience, where children’s interests and emerging needs are rooted firmly at the centre.

We believe that all children are strong, independent and powerful learners, who have the capability to become resilient and influential agents of change. It is our aim that all children have the best possible start to their educational journey and to build a strong foundation to encourage a love of life-long learning to enable them to thrive.

If you are already a member of our learning community, we hope that you find this website helpful. If you want to find out more, do enjoy browsing the website. Visits are actively encouraged. If you would like to visit our Nursery, please call to make an appointment.

We hope you enjoy spending time at Cippenham Nursery School.

Mrs Nisha Gill



Our Mission Statement:

Our mission statement is:

“Happy to be Here, To Play, Learn, Care Share and Be Ourselves.”

Cippenham Nursery School aims to provide a happy, secure and stimulating environment, which will support and challenge the children in their exploration of the world around them. Through play and through interaction with friendly and knowledgeable adults, the child can work beyond the boundaries of his or her skills, knowledge and understanding in a supportive manner.

Play is children’s work. It is natural, essential and instinctive. Children learn through play. They learn willingly and learn much. Children learn to cooperate, formulate ideas, solve problems and express their feelings and frustrations. They learn to fantasise and use their imagination, to imitate, share, to experiment, to take risks and to explore and communicate with others.

They develop their language and physical skills and learn to think critically and creatively across the curriculum. This learning is an essential part of the educational process that goes on – not only in school – but also throughout life.


Our Shared Values:

The children say our mission statement during their key group times and spontaneously use parts during their play.

  • We are Happy to be Here to...... 'Happiness': To feel safe, To be able to enjoy life
  • Play, Learn, 'Inspiration': To be inspired and motivated, to be a positive role model
  • Care, 'Respect': For ourselves, for each other, for our community, for our environment
  • Share, 'Friendship': Building personal and professional relationships, Learning to understand our own and others' feelings
  • And be ourselves. 'Courage': To try new things, to be resilient, to be the best we can be.